April Virtual Luncheon with Julia Cooke

The Jet-Age Story of the Women of Pan Am

Required to have a college degree, speak two languages, and possess the political savvy of a Foreign Service officer, a jet-age stewardess serving on iconic Pan Am between 1966 and 1975 also had to be the right height (between 5′3″ and 5′9″), the right weight (between 105 and 140 pounds), and the right age (under 26 years old at the time of hire). Cooke weaves together the real-life stories of a memorable cast of characters, from small town girl Lynne Totten, a science major who decided life in a lab was not for her, to Hazel Bowie, one of the relatively few Black stewardesses of the era. Cooke brings to light the story of Pan Am stewardesses’ role in the Vietnam War, as the airline added runs from Saigon to Hong Kong for planeloads of weary young soldiers straight from the battlefields, and their participation in Operation Babylift—the dramatic evacuation of 2,000 children.

October Speaker: Major General Mark E. Smith, Civil Air Patrol’s 24th National Commander.

Major General Mark E. Smith, Civil Air Patrol’s 24th National Commander.

Major General Mark E. Smith leads CAP’s more than 63,000 members across the United States in fulfilling the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary’s congressionally chartered missions of Emergency Services, Cadet Programs and Aerospace Education, in addition to the organization’s steadily increasing role in America’s Homeland Security as the newest member of the Air Force’s Total Force.

Major General Charles Bolden will be honored with the 2020 Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy

Major General Charles Bolden

NAA announced that Major General Charles Bolden, USMC (Ret.), was selected as the recipient of the 2020 Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy for “… his impassioned commitment to public service in aviation and aerospace as an aviator, astronaut, and leader and his dedication to excellence for the advancement of all humanity.”

Established by NAA in 1948 to honor the memory of Orville and Wilbur Wright, the trophy is awarded annually to a living American for “…significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States.” One of the most important, historic, and visible aerospace awards in the world, the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy reflects a timeline of the most innovative inventors, explorers, industrialists, and public servants in aeronautics and astronautics.

“I can’t begin to thank the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy selection committee for making this prestigious honor possible,” said Bolden. “As this honor continues to sink in, I am humbled and feeling even more the effect of the ‘imposter syndrome’ as I think of the many true heroes of aviation who preceded me with this award. This is an incredible honor and I really look forward to trying to live up to its legacy and inspire many future Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy winners.”

“The Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy is our greatest individual honor,” said NAA President Greg Principato. “When you take into account Charlie Bolden’s career and commitment, he truly embodies what this award is meant to recognize. In every aspect of his career he has served causes and missions greater than himself. His example will inspire future generations.”

Bolden will be presented with the Wright Trophy at an Aero Club of Washington event in 2021.

Michael Quiello to Receive 2020 Engen Award for Aviation Excellence

Michael Quiello

The Aero Club of Washington is pleased to announce it will present its prestigious Donald D. Engen Aero Club Trophy for Aviation Excellence 2020 to Michael Quiello later this year.

Mr. Quiello is known throughout the aviation community for his vast knowledge and expertise in industry as well as extraordinary leadership and longstanding commitment to working along-side industry colleagues and government regulators to seek solutions for aviation safety. He is known for his keen ability to inspire others to work toward the shared goal of developing measures to continuously strengthen the commercial aviation system. Mr. Quiello started his career with Delta Air Lines in 1981 where he continued his service for 28 years in several leadership positions including the role of vice president of safety, security and environment. He then joined United Airlines in 2009 as Vice President of Corporate Safety where he was responsible for managing all aspects of safety including training for the airline.

In addition to his safety roles, both at Delta and United, from 2014 to 2016 Mr. Quiello was the industry co-chair for the Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) program and from 2016 to 2020 the industry co-chair of the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST). Most recently, Mr. Quiello was instrumental in leading CAST to develop and publish a consolidated list of key safety elements for aviation organizations to monitor during this period of dynamic change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a joint statement from Airlines for America (A4A), Cargo Airline Association (CAA), and Flight Safety Foundation, they noted, “Throughout Michael’s professional career in aviation, both in the public and private sectors, he has established himself as the consummate leader in promoting safety for the traveling public and airline employees. Aviation safety worldwide has been elevated through his tireless efforts to develop safety enhancements that are critical to aviation being the safest mode of transportation on earth.”

June Virtual Luncheon: Dan Elwell, FAA Deputy Administrator

Daniel K. Elwell is the Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Mr. Elwell was sworn in to office on June 26, 2017 following his appointment by President Trump. He also served as Acting FAA Administrator from January 2018 until August 2019.

Elwell previously served at the FAA as the Assistant Administrator for Policy, Planning, and Environment from 2006–2008. Most recently, he was Senior Advisor on Aviation to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao. Earlier in his career, he served as a legislative fellow for the late Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska).

From 2013–2015, as Senior Vice President for Safety, Security, and Operations at Airlines for America (A4A), Elwell was responsible for leading the advancement of commercial aviation safety and security excellence for major U.S. air carriers.

Prior to A4A, Elwell was Vice President of the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) from 2008–2013. In this role, Elwell represented civil aerospace manufacturers and led policy development and advocacy for the civil aerospace manufacturing interests of more than 300 AIA member companies.

Elwell was a commercial pilot for 16 years with American Airlines, flying DC-10, MD-80, and B-757/767 aircraft. While maintaining his proficiency as an MD-80 Captain, he served as Managing Director for International and Government Affairs at American Airlines.

Dan earned his pilot wings at Williams Air Force Base in Arizona after graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in International Affairs. Lieutenant Colonel Elwell retired from military service as a Command Pilot with more than 6,000 hours combined civilian and military flight time in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Air Force Reserve, including combat service during Operation Desert Storm.

FAA’s Carl Burleson is the recipient of the 2019 Donald D. Engen Aero Club Trophy for Aviation Excellence

Carl Burleson

The Aero Club of Washington’s Board of Governors selected FAA’s Carl Burleson for the 2019 Donald D. Engen Aero Club Trophy for Aviation Excellence, for his lifetime achievements in the field of aviation.

The enduring themes of Carl’s career have been in two broad areas: leadership and inclusiveness to achieve the best attainable policy outcomes across a range of aviation issues, and mentoring the next generation of aviation policy leaders. In his most recent assignment of nearly two years as the acting FAA Deputy Administrator, his prior role as the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Policy, International Affairs, and Environment, and before that as the Director of the Environment and Energy Office, Carl has provided the steady, outcome-oriented vision and leadership to consistently achieve results in the development of good public policy, both domestic and international.

Carl Burleson’s career in aviation is that of a trusted public servant, without personal ego and with an unfailing dedication to aviation now, aviation in the future, and the interests of the U.S. public. He is truly worthy to join the distinguished company that is the winners of the Engen Trophy

2018 Donald D. Engen Aero Club Trophy for Aviation Excellence awarded to Margaret Jenny

2018 Margaret Jenny - Engen recipient

Margaret Jenny, the recently-retired president of RTCA and a 35-year aviation industry veteran, is being honored for her unique combination of strategic vision, technical insight, and tactical drive. She has leveraged her extensive knowledge of the air traffic control system and political savvy to drive real, measurable change in a challenging technical and political environment. She has demonstrated a keen and unparalleled ability to gather leaders and stakeholders to build consensus and drive real and beneficial change.